Off the Beaten Track Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve

From SGD
- Duration: 4 Hours (approx.)
- Location: Singapore, Singapore
- Product code: SIC-SBNTU
Embark on a 3-hour immersive journey through the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Singapore's inaugural ASEAN Heritage Park. Embark on a 3-hour immersive journey through the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Singapore's inaugural ASEAN Heritage Park. Wander along elevated boardwalks, meandering through mangrove forests and tranquil mudflats. Discover a vibrant ecosystem teeming with diverse bird species, including migratory flocks. Home to some of the world’s rarest mangroves, the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is an internationally recognised site of importance. The park is a stopover point for migratory birds like the pacific gold plover and the asian dowitcher. Observe majestic monitor lizards basking in the sun. Crabs, mudskippers and mud lobsters can be found in their natural habitats. The wetlands of Sungei Buloh are a dream come true for keen nature lovers.
展开 3 小时的沉浸式旅程游新加坡首个东盟遗产公园--双溪布洛湿地保护区。沿着高架木栈道漫步,穿越红树林和宁静的泥滩。这生态系统生机勃勃,拥有鸟类类繁多,包括候鸟群。双溪布洛湿地保护区是世界上最稀有的红树林,是国际认可的重要地点。它是太平洋金鸻和亚洲杓鹬等候鸟的中转站。于此,可以观赏正享日光浴的巨蜥, 也是螃蟹、弹涂鱼和龙虾的自然栖息地。对于热爱大自然的人来说,双溪布洛湿地是一个梦想成真的地方。